【Photographs by】Valli, Giorgia(ジョルジア・ヴァリ)
【出版社】Nazraeli press 2015年 Edition of 1000 copies
【ページ】32 pages, 10 four-color plates.
【サイズ】45 x 25.4 cm
【状態】A : New
イタリアのアーティストGiorgia Valli(ジョルジア・ヴァリ)の写真プロジェクト、ブロンクス動物園での展示「World of Birds」をまとめた写真集「AVES MEI」です。各写真は、ペイントされた背景と合成された葉の環境にとまる生きている鳥を描き、 鳥の自然な生息地を再生させています。
自由であるかどうかに関わらず、壁に掛けられた鳥かごのように、神秘的な鳥の歌声は忘れられない痕跡を残し、それは、その事を経験した人たちの生命や声を永遠に留めることになるでしょう。」(transrated by nahoko zaitsu quickcanalloves.blogspot.jp)
. . . After a period spent in the midst of thousands of sounds, my wish was to photograph silence. Wandering, I reached the Bronx Zoo, where I could walk around freely and photograph for hours. I needed to create friction among my emotions. Since childhood, I had always refused to visit zoos because they made me feel sad. But here, I experienced a sense of freedom that made me feel serene. I was suspended in a dimension between earth and heaven, where my only connection to reality was through simple and primitive sounds. No sounds other than cries with which both people and birds make their way into the world; nothing more than simple syllables, such as ‘da-da’ or ‘ma-ma’. Shot after shot, the jingle of baby talk reached my ears. Whether in captivity or in liberty, the mysterious song of birds leaves an indelible trace which, like cages set into a wall, will eternally preserve the lives and voices of those who experience them.