【写真】Lehtola, Jouko(ヨウコ・レヘトラ)
【Text by】Hannula, Mika
【出版社】POC 2004年 Wrappers
【ページ】102 pages with col. plates.
【サイズ】30 x 24.2 cm
フィンランドの写真家Jouko Lehtola(ヨウコ・レヘトラ)のティーンエイジャーの写真を中心に掲載した写真集です。
I absolutely love these photo's from Finland in 90's - I have been to Finland numerous times and am totally mesmerized by the people and landscape there. I even made a book of my own "Back to Mystery City" published by Dashwood Books that I shot entirely in Finland. It's a really weird place and these photo's by Jouko seem to capture something very unique from a country which has it's own very distinctive identity but a youth that has also been influenced by American culture.
僕はDashwood booksから"Back to Mystery City”って本を出版して、それはフィンランドを撮ったものなんだ。