【Photographs by】Yajima, Yosuke(矢島陽介)
【Designed by】宇平剛史, Clara Huber
【出版社】Self published 2015年 Limited edition of 500 copies
【ページ】52 pages with col. plates.
【サイズ】29 x 21.2 cm
【プリント】Archival pigment print (210mm×297mm)
【状態】A : New
日本の写真家 矢島陽介(Yosuke Yajima)の写真集「Ourselves1981」です。
矢島陽介は1981年山梨県に生まれ、学生時代から独学で本格的に写真制作を始めた。2009年の「1_WALL」入選以来積極的にグループ展や個展に参加し、国内外の著名な写真フェスティバル等に入選を果たしてきた。本写真集『Ourselves/1981』は、矢島の活動の大半にあたる2010年から2015年までの作品をまとめた一冊であり、そのタイトルが示すように、1981年に関東に生まれた矢島自身が経験してきたひとつの時代とその実感を描き出している。被写体の外側にあるものも含めて時を閉じ込めるという写真の性質を利用し、矢島は写真に映り込む気配を捉える、ということに対して慎重かつ積極的にアプローチしてきた。80年代関東に生まれた者は皆、大都市が21世紀へと切り替わるいくつもの瞬間を通過し、その中で世界の手触りがはっきりと変化したのを体感した。成熟しきった社会で生活も人々の関係性や心理も「郊外化」し、大きな事件のない「今」が綿々とつながっていくという未来に悲観も楽観もなく、妙に体温に欠けた実感しか持てない。矢島はその体温の不在、不穏な予感を写真というメディアを通して注意深く、客観的に観察し、視覚化してきた。郊外と都心を往復する日常の中で、世間と自分との間に感じるわずかなズレ。そこから目を逸らさずに、丹念に撮影地と被写体を選んだ上で、自分の「感じる」世界の見え方が正しく描き出されるよう、注意深くイメージを作り上げる。矢島の写真に繰り返し登場するプレハブの壁面、引かれた図面が建材で起こされただけのようなペラリとした街の風景、顔を持たない後ろ姿。体温を持たないそれらのイメージはすべて等しく、矢島の抱える生への疑問と渇望を伝えている。(テキスト : 深井佐和子)
Yosuke Yajima was born in Yamanashi, which is a suburb area near Tokyo, in 1981. He started taking photography while he was a student.
Since he was selected to be one of the winners for “1_WALL” award in 2009, he has been actively joined for many group/solo exhibitions and photography festivals inside and outside Japan.
The photo book “Ourselves/1981” compiles his works between 2010 to 2015, that covers literally this young artist’s entire career.
As the title shows this is a documentation of an era and the feeling which Yajima himself has been through. Knowing the nature of photography that it captures the time and air surrounding the subject matter, he has been taking careful and positive approach to capture a scene, which includes not only the subjects but also the air around it.
All people who were born in Kanto area (suburb area around Tokyo) in the 80s have been through many moments that a megalopolis is experiencing its dynamic change going into the next century, and felt the transition of physical texture of the world. In the highly developed society all the lives, relationships, feelings have become suburb-ized, and they have no optimistic or pessimistic visions or realistic feeling towards the future that they can easily imagine as the result of continues moments of this “smooth-but-not-much-going-on”.
Yajima has observed and visualized this specific absence of temperature and a feeling of disquiet through using the media photography.
He has been paying careful attention on a slight feeling of deviate he constantly holds, while adjusting his perfectly normal life as a decent adult to the society with invisible pressure.
Only photography makes its possible for him to creates the images, which explain his feelings by choosing the right location, right models and subjects, and right lightings.
Prefab walls, inorganic landscape with modern buildings that look like huge plastic models, portraits without faces.
All those images without any temperature or textures paradoxically shows Yajima’s an eager thirst and questions towards life.(text by Sawako Fukai)